Wednesday 28 September 2011

Must pedal faster

A personal best it certainly wasn't... Should I blame the head wind or was it the packet of Dorritos and Snickers bar I had at lunch time.

Follow this link to see my route and times Endomondo Cycling Workout

I learnt that today is national procrastination day so it is your chance to put of today what you can do tomorrow.

Though procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow.

Sunday 25 September 2011

How was your weekend?

When did your weekend begin?

Mine began at about 6:30 Friday evening I arrive home to find no one at home, odd I thought but maybe they have just nipped out. Just as I put the key in the door my wife's car draws up with daughter sitting on back seat with her left arm in what looks to be a sling. It turns out they have just returned from the local minor injuries unit with a suspected broken wrist.

Well a 30 minute drive later and we are all in the Royal Cornwall Hospital, then follows a four hour stint in A & E and we have a confirmed broken wrist on an 8 year old.

They went to the local skate park so she could try out her new scooter that she got for her birthday on Wednesday, I'll leave you to guess what happened next. The irony is that I am the one that would normally take her to somewhere like that.

But wait, the timing could not have been better as she is having a birthday party at home on Sunday for 11 of her friends. So Saturday is spent trying to play catch up from Friday night.

Somehow, eventually everything comes together and we have a house full of 7 year old girls for what seems like an eternity but is only actually 2 hours, my brain still hurts from the noise.

The aftermath.......

But the guests went home happy with cake and party bags

So much for a Saturday ride out.... I guess there is always next weekend......

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Ever had one of those D'Oh moments? The ones where you realise that you have missed something fundamental. Well it happened to me today as I was cycling the 24 miles home I was about halfway into the journey when I happened to me.

Let me set the scene, I take part in car share with a Karl and we also pick Vanessa up on the way to work as well. Except on a Wednesday's when I take my daughter to school. On these days I take my bike in to work and cycle home then getting a lift in the next day.

Today was no exception with the small fact that I forgot that Karl is on holiday tomorrow for two weeks. So I finish work and proceed to cycle home then at about the halfway mark it dawns on me that I have left my car at work and with Karl on holiday there is no chance of a lift in tomorrow as Vanessa does not own a car either.

One apologetic call to Vanessa later and it looks like we are both catching the train into work tomorrow,  she saw the funny side.

On the plus side I did set a personal best for the cycle home completing the journey in 1 hour 20 mins, knocking 2 minuites off my previous best time.

You can see my stats for this ride and a map of the journey by clicking on the link below.

Endomondo Cycling Workout: was out cycling 38.11 km in 1h:20m:08s using Endomondo.

I would be interested in knowing what you think of this and how it compares.

Please feel free to comment about my cycling or anything within this blog.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

A nice surprise

It's not every day that I arrive home to find an upturned orange plastic mixing bowl placed on the hall floor and greeted with "there's something in the hall you need to sort out" not how are you? or how's your day been?

It turned out to be that something that I always wanted a dead vole! and it's not even my birthday.

It looks like what we thought was gentle placid cat has turned into a killer cat just like Tuffy in the killer cat stories my daughter is reading.

All I can say is thank you for such a delightful and pleasant gift.

Monday 19 September 2011

Why are pirates called pirates?

As today is International speak like a pirate day I thought I would give some tips on how to be a pirate.

Of course these have all been plundered and plagerised from elsewhere; well I would be no good as pirate if I didn't....

Ye want ta be a true pirate do ye matey? Well, it be more then just talkin funny and wearin' a parot on yer shoulder, yar! Lets be coverin' the most important bits o piracy, so ye may pillage and plunder like a true scoundrel..

A pirate must always wear boots, except for those with peg legs, in which case one boot is acceptable. Flip-flops are totaly inappropriate.

Three-cornered hats, headbands and bandanas are the only acceptable form of headwear allowed. Fedoras, bowler derbies, beanies, baseball caps, cowboy hats, du-rags, Santa hats, mickey ears, ski masks, bike helmets, sombreros, ear muffs, or anything with lace or flowers is not permitted.

Dental hygiene is not a priority. However, should there be occasion, strong rum or saltwater may be used as mouthwash. Anything “minty fresh” is strictly forbidden.

A pirate shall never wear lipstick, nail polish, or three quarter length shorts

Of course, ye need t' sound like a pirate too. After all, if ye talk like toff, ye ain`t a shipmate! Before ye call yersef a seafarin' hearty, memorize these basic pirate phrases:

Ahoy! - This be 'hello'. However, why waste yer time greetin' swabbies when ye ortin' ta be fightin' them?

Aye o' Arrr - "Yes"

Aye aye - A more respectful form o' `aye`, used when addressin' a captain, fer instance. Directly translates t' `yes sir!`

Avast - "Look here, mate!" Used t' get attention.

Landlubber - An insult used to describe a land lover, arrrr.

Shiver me timbers - Originally meant `scary`, as in `that shivers me timbers`, but now can mean almost anythin', me lad.

Because they AAAAAARR !!!! 

Sunday 18 September 2011


It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one's feet though I guess in my case a saddle might be a better description.  Having never ridden competitively or even taken part in a sportive before, why have I entered the Etape Caledonia  in 2012? (I'm asking myself that question as well)

This all begins in November/December 2010 when the company I'm working for advertised for volunteers to take part in charity bike ride from London to Paris at the end of June 2011. Like a lot of things it seemed like a good idea at the time, it could not possibly been the two extra days holiday given by the CEO in addition normal holiday allowance to those taking part.

So there I am in January signed up for a 200 mile cycle over three days with two slight problems, firstly no suitable bike to do this on and the slight small matter of raising £1200 in sponsorship. The bike proved to be easy, courtesy of the cycle to work scheme, I  became the proud owner of a new Specialized Allez Sport 18 thanks to all the helpful advice received from Clive Mitchell Cycles in Truro

Raising the sponsorship was a different matter altogether and  at one stage I was beginning to feel I had bitten off more than I could chew... But after several street collections, bingo evenings, bag packing at Marks & Spencer's, cake sales and several ingenious raffles including one where people would guess where I would fall off my bike between London and Paris I finally made the target the day prior to departure.

Doing all the training for the charity ride and taking part in the ride itself I discovered that I have awoken a road cycling bug and I have been well and truly bitten. Not that I was not a cyclist before as I had a old Marin mountain bike bike that had been laying dormant in the garage for a few years. Which had previously been used for jaunts to the Lake district and city centre commuting.

Here I am now with an entry for the Etape Caledonia  and about to take part in my first ever sportive the Lands End 100 on Sunday October 16th........